A visit to Africa in 2014

Created by Neil 2 years ago

Gillian and I got to know Len in 2010 when we began volunteering at Boaz and he and I quickly became good friends. In 2014 he took up an invitation to visit us at our second home in South Africa on the southern border of the Kruger Park. Len and I were reminiscing about this just a week before he died as we worked on erecting fruit cages at Boaz.

He spoke of his surprise to find giraffe in the road as he approached the turning into our drive. The picture is a more recent one of mine but would be similar to his experience. My strongest memory of that trip was our first drive into the Kruger Park together when we were met by an enormous elephant coming towards us down the road. The only option that day was to turn around and take another route.

While Len was with us we celebrated the birthday of a neighbour. Her grandchildren brought a chameleon that they had just found and Len enjoyed the opportunity to examine it closely.

We enjoyed his company and were looking forward to welcoming him back to Africa in the near future.
